Social Media Marketing

The Social Media Marketing course serves to bring the student closer to understanding all the work involved in the Social Media department. It also provides tools to learn how to deal with day-to-day work and solve common problems.
Diploma of accreditation
Upon completion of the course, a Diploma will be issued.
The Social Media Marketing course / material is in English and has a duration of 1 to 3 months (380 hours).
General Objectives
This Course is, first and foremost, an acknowledgement to the collective contributions of professionals, business executives, organizational leaders and an entire “social media” industry that has dedicated itself to delivering on the opportunities that the Social Web offers: the opportunity to understand, first-hand, what markets are saying, the opportunity to identify specific influencers and to quantify the impact that social media has as a result on markets and the businesses and organizations that serve them, and the opportunity to learn faster, to adapt more quickly, and to build and bring to market the next generation of globally acceptable, sustainable goods and services.
Chapter 1 Social Media and Customer Engagement
Chapter 2 The New Role of the Customer
Chapter 3 Build a Social Business
Chapter 4 The Social Business Ecosystem
Chapter 5 Social Technology and Business Decisions
Chapter 6 Social Analytics, Metrics, and Measurement
Chapter 7 Five Essential Tips
Chapter 8 Engagement on the Social Web
Chapter 9 Social CRM
Chapter 10 Social Objects
Chapter 11 The Social Graph
Chapter 12 Social Applications
The course is primarily distance learning through written materials, with ongoing communication via email.